2010-4-23 · Codes 9 and 10 were intended for use by end-to-end encryption devices used by U.S military agencies. Routers SHOULD use Code 13 (Communication Administratively Prohibited) if they administratively filter packets. Routers MAY have a configuration option that causes Code 13 (Communication Administratively Prohibited) messages not to be generated.

2019-11-15 · 实例一:标准访问控制列表的配置拓扑图如下:通过配置标准访问列表,禁止PC1主机访问PC3主机。(1)进行sw的配置如下:SW#configure terminal //进入全局模式Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.SW(config)#no ip 为什么ping不通,而traceroute却可以通? - 思科技 … 2019-1-1 ICMP 类型 - __Porter - 博客园 2018-9-16 · Network Prohibited 网络禁止 This message is sent if the network is administratively prohibited. 如果管理上禁止网络,则会发送此消息。 Network Redirect 网络重定向 This message is sent if the datagram is redirected for the network. 如果为网络重定向数据报,则 计算机网络基础_王磊从此励志做稳健少年的博客 …

2020-7-2 · It's saying "Communication administratively prohibited". I know this is a silly question because it's obviously not pinging, but I just want to be sure. Every example that I've seen, the reply is "host is unreachable" not what I'm getting.

ICMP TYPE CODE表/ICMP类型表 - mind-blowing … 2016-5-24 · Communication administratively prohibited by filtering ——由于过滤,通信被强制禁止 x 3 14 Host precedence violation——主机越权 x 3 15 Precedence cutoff in effect——优先中止生效 x 4 0 Source quench——源端被关闭(基本流控制 ICMP ポート番号, Type/Code一覧 ~種類とメッ … Communication Administratively Prohibited 宛先ネットワークへの通信がACLで拒否されている 14 Host Precedence Violation ホストが送出したパケットにあるIP Precedence(ToS) の値が許可されていない(First Hop Routerがホストに通知することに なっている)RSVP等を

标准ACL配置实例 - 网络技术 - 网暖

[Router Products] Error message IP address unreachable in 13 Communication Administratively Prohibited [RFC1812] 14 Host Precedence Violation [RFC1812] 15 Precedence cutoff in effect [RFC1812] In Cisco implementation, no ip unreachable is a command that is enabled by default on an interface. Cause: Solution: ICMPv6 2017-12-8 · 1 Communication With Destination Administratively Prohibited The datagram could not be forwarded due to filtering that blocks the message based on its contents. Equivalent to the message subtype with the same name (and Code value 13) in ICMPv4. 3 Address Unreachable There was a problem attempting to deliver the datagram The TCP/IP Guide - ICMPv4 Destination Unreachable Messages