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Sep 11, 2019 · TV and movies portray Swiss banks as bastions of security — shadowy fortresses where identities are obscured and privacy is prioritized above all else. Of course, real life isn’t quite so romantic. But there are reasons why the super-rich flock to Swiss bank accounts. Read on to learn five reasons why the 1% prefer Swiss banks — and why Jun 09, 2020 · Swiss Banks USA is an independent platform providing US Citizens and Persons with access to Swiss Banking and Asset Management Services. The representatives of Swiss Banks USA have an economic relationship with at least one or more of the companies listed on this site. In Switzerland, the right to privacy is guaranteed in article 13 of the Swiss Federal Constitution.. The Federal Act on Data Protection of 19 June 1992 (in force since 1993) has set up a strict protection of privacy by prohibiting virtually any processing of personal data which is not expressly authorized by the data subjects. Feb 06, 2020 · Switzerland is known for its impressive banking system, including its legendary privacy policies. It is actually a criminal offense in Switzerland for a banker to reveal private information about bank clients, which in the past was a huge perk for anyone wishing to conceal ill-gotten money or valuables. Swiss banking secrecy was born in Geneva during the 1700s. Bank secrecy in the Swiss region can be traced to the Great Council of Geneva which outlawed the disclosure of information about the European upper class in 1713. As a way of avoiding the Protestant banking system, Catholic French Kings deposited their holdings in Geneva accounts. Bankers face up to six months in prison and a fine of up to 50,000 Swiss francs. And, you have the option of suing the bank for damages. Needless to say, Swiss banks are very careful about protecting your privacy.

Privacy - Swiss Banks USA

Oct 03, 2019 · Swiss National Bank: The Swiss National Bank is the bank that is responsible for setting Switzerland's monetary policy. It is also responsible for issuing Swiss franc banknotes. About 55% of the

Oct 03, 2019

Jun 30, 2014 Swiss bank client confidentiality - SWITZERLAND