ifconfig eth0 netmask up. You can also bring a specific network up(on) or down(off) eg: ifconfig eth0 up. ifconfig eth0 down. Using Virtual IP Addresses with ifconfig. Another rather useful way of using ifconfig is to add virtual IP addresses, which are just secondary IP addresses that are added to a network card.

Sep 12, 2019 · ifconfig Command: The ifconfig command is used configure a network interface. It provides so many information about NIC. ifdown/ifup Command: The ifdown command take a network interface down and the ifup command bring a network interface up. ip Command: ip command is used to manage NIC. It’s replacement of old and deprecated ifconfig command. Jul 07, 2017 · The world evolves I regularly see “recommendations” to use ifconfig to get interface information in mailing list posts or bug reports and other places. I might even be guilty of it myself. Still, the world of networking has evolved quite a lot since ifconfig was the de-facto standard to bring up a device, check its […] Mar 31, 2019 · A Few years back, ifconfig was the favorite way to know IP address in Linux. Unfortunately, ifconfig command has been deprecated. Unfortunately, ifconfig command has been deprecated. If you try to use this command today, you are most likely to see the following error: Ifconfig is used to configure the kernel-resident network interfaces. It is used at boot time to set up interfaces as necessary. After that, it is usually only needed when debugging or when system tuning is needed. If no arguments are given, ifconfig displays Apr 07, 2020 · The ifconfig command is a very popular tool available on most Linux distros. The name “ifconfig” comes from “Interface Configuration”, it is used to check our system’s network interface and we can also use it to change some of the network interface settings. ifconfig. ifconfig stands for Interface Configuration. This command is the same as ipconfig, and is used to view all the current TCP/IP network configurations values of the computer. The ifconfig command is mainly used in a Unix-like operating system.

ifconfig displays the current configuration for a network interface when no optional parameters are supplied. If a protocol family is specified, ifconfig will report only the details specific to that protocol family. If the -s flag is passed before an interface name, ifconfig will

Jun 11, 2010 ifconfig(8) - NetBSD Manual Pages ifconfig displays the current configuration for a network interface when no optional parameters are supplied. If a protocol family is specified, ifconfig will report only the details specific to that protocol family. If the -s flag is passed before an interface name, ifconfig will

Difference between ipconfig and ifconfig?

ifconfig gives me an output like. Command 'ifconfig' is available in '/sbin/ifconfig' The command could not be located because '/sbin' is not included in the PATH environment variable. This is most likely caused by the lack of administrative privileges associated with your user account. ifconfig: command not found