In a server reply (DHCPOFFER), a DHCP server uses this option to specify the lease time it is willing to offer. This option is not directly user configurable in the server; refer to the max-lease-time and default-lease-time server options in dhcpd.conf (5).

Oct 19, 2015 DD-WRT Forum :: View topic - NTP/Time settings not working Dec 30, 2017 NTP client is not syncing to ntp server - Apr 05, 2013 dhcpd-options(5) - Linux man page The Dynamic Host Configuration protocol allows the client to receive options from the DHCP server describing the network configuration and various services that are available on the network. When configuring dhcpd(8) or dhclient(8) , options must often be declared. The syntax for declaring options, and the names and formats of the options that can be declared, are documented here.

Jul 29, 2013 · Set the Network Time Protocol in DD-WRT. NTP Client (Network Time Protocol) is a software client that allows your router to sync it's time from a time server. If you haven't already set this up for your router, you might want to look into setting it up -especially if you're "Access Restrictons" and the "Traffic by Month" are enabled. If your router isn't synchronized with the right time, you may encounter some major problems with some services that the router has that uses dates and time to

Oct 22, 2013 · Be sure to change the IP address to a valid time server on your own private network, or refer to the website for a public NTP server near you. The init script will be run when the WRT boots, thus attempting an initial time synchronisation. In most cases it's best to use to find an NTP server (or,, etc if you need multiple server names). The system will try finding the closest available servers for you. If you distribute software or equipment that uses NTP, please see our information for vendors. NTP Servers in Australia,

How To Install and Configure OpenVPN On Your DD-WRT Router Jul 11, 2017 DD-WRT - Connect with SSH - Steven B. Jan 08, 2014 How to update the System Time on an ASUS-RT router? 5. Enter the domain name or IP address of the time server ( in the NTP Server field and proceed to the next step. 6. Click the Apply button to synchronize the NTP. 7. Reboot the router to reflect the time change. If you have any questions or problems … Using OpenVPN Cloud profile to configure DD-WRT | OpenVPN