Firewall Testing: Why You Should Do It & How? - Firewall Guide

GRC ShieldsUp Scan - Help for v3 - Comodo Jan 03, 2013 Ch11 Hands-on Activity 11 - ShieldsUp Ibarra-Johanna.docx Johanna Ibarra Shields Up is an online port scanning service created by Steve Gibson of Gibson Research Corporation, which purpose is to scan the ports of the user’s computer and alert the user if any ports are opened through their firewalls or NAT routers, or if they were in stealth or blocked. In this activity I scanned all the ports on my computer.

When attempting to run port-scans at (ShieldsUP!), I get as far as the "Proceed"-button/s on that page, but whe 1649155 shieldsup test | WindowsBBS Sep 28, 2003 Solved: Open Ports (WAN side) on R7000 Router - NETGEAR

GRC Port Authority Report created on UTC: 2005-09-09 at 10:35:11 Results from scan of ports: 0-1055 0 Ports Open 1 Ports Closed 1055 Ports Stealth-----1056 Ports Tested NO PORTS were found to be OPEN.

As nwrickert stated a port scan will test your router or your modem if it is not functioning as a I went to ShieldsUp's User Specified Port Probe, entered 4567, and ShieldsUp returned "Open". Evil Port Monitors will tell you that a passing scanner has just successfully probed into your system . . . but the problem (for you) is that it was a successful scan probe and the existence of your system's wide open ports will have been noticed and logged! Until the latest SRM update, ShieldsUp scans at GRC(dot)com consistently showed all ports stealthed. Now scans sometime still return "all stealthed" but at other times random ports show up as "closed." The "closed" ports are random, not consistent. Depending on the scan, the closed port could be 25, or 135, 136, 138, 139, 445. As a whole, the goal of port scanning is to ¿nd out if a remote host is providing a service that is vulnerable e.g. to bu¿er over¿ow attack etc. Coming back, port scanning may involve all of the 65,535 ports or only the ports that are well-known to provide services vulnerable to di¿erent security-related exploits. ShieldsUP can scan the most common file sharing ports and vulnerable port, as well as over (1-1056) service ports, and user defined ports to test and report router's visibility on the internet including open port, ping reply, and unsolicited packets. Apr 17, 2013 · To ensure that your computer’s software is sheltered from the Internet – either with a NAT router or through a software firewall if your computer is connected directly to the Internet – you can use the ShieldsUP! test website. It will perform a port scan of your IP address, determining whether ports are open or closed at your address.