IPv6 interfaces are configured on the Network > Interfaces page by clicking the IPv6 option for the View IP Version radio button at the top right corner of the page. By default, all IPv6 interfaces appear as routed with no IP address.

IPPROTO_IPV6 socket options. 10/07/2019; 7 minutes to read; In this article. The following tables describe IPPROTO_IPV6 socket options that apply to sockets created for the IPv6 address family (AF_INET6). See the getsockopt and setsockopt function reference pages for more information on getting and setting socket options.. To enumerate protocols and discover supported properties for each Guidance for configuring IPv6 in Windows for advanced users By default, the 6to4 tunneling protocol is enabled in Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 or later versions when an interface is assigned a public IPv4 address (that is, an IPv4 address that is not in the ranges,, or 6to4 automatically assigns an IPv6 address to the 6to4 tunneling interface for each such IPv6 - Headers - Tutorialspoint The wonder of IPv6 lies in its header. An IPv6 address is 4 times larger than IPv4, but surprisingly, the header of an IPv6 address is only 2 times larger than that of IPv4. IPv6 headers have one Fixed Header and zero or more Optional (Extension) Headers. All the necessary information that is essential for a router is kept in the Fixed Header. DHCPv6, no dns server option? - Spiceworks Feb 12, 2020

If DHCPv6 was selected on WAN then prefix delegation will be used for "IPv6 Interface Type". Make sure the correct WAN interface and IPv6 router advertisement are applied. If static was chosen on WAN, the options for IPv6 gateway/subnet must be filled in along with applying the correct DHCPv6 range if desired.

The following table summarizes the DHCPv6 options currently supported (as of DHCPD 4.2.2) along with the corresponding ISC DHCP option-name and option-value data type. The Tag and Name columns in the table provide a cross reference to the Internet standard option definitions .

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DHCPv6, no dns server option? - Spiceworks Feb 12, 2020