How to enable or disable repositories in CentOS | Unixmen

To enable a yum repository in /etc/yum.repos.d. Use the yum-config-manager command with the --enable repository flag. The following command enables the Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL) repository from the Fedora project. The Oracle Linux Yum Server is pre-configured during installation of Oracle Linux 5 Update 7 or Oracle Linux 6 Update 3 or higher. If you have an older version of Oracle Linux, you can manually configure your server to receive updates from the Oracle Linux yum server. Jul 21, 2020 · The repo file will be automatically deleted if it contains no repository. When removing a repository, beware that the metadata cache may still remain on disk until you run yum clean all. Use a notification handler for this. The params parameter was removed in Ansible 2.5 due to circumventing Ansible’s parameter handling Sep 04, 2018 · Conveniently YUM has a flag that allows you to show more results than a normal yum search. yum search --showduplicates. With this flag YUM will show additional versions of packages available for installation. After identifying which package you would like to install you can install it with the following command. yum install - This yum server is offered without support of any kind. Peer support is available via the Oracle Linux Community If you require support, please consider purchasing Oracle Linux Support via the Oracle Store, or via your sales representative. Installing YUM in order to install RPM packages is generally a bad idea - all kinds of things can go wrong when the package can't assume the base architecture of the operating system. Specifically, anything that relies on GLIBC would not even install because YUM won't be able to find its exported symbols, and trying to solve this by installing

Jun 12, 2017

Installing Intel® Parallel Studio XE Runtime 2020 Using The bug is fixed in YUM 4 so we recommend you update your local instance of the client to the latest YUM version. If you're running YUM 3.x or older, you will only be able to install the latest version available of the Intel products. yum (software) - Wikipedia

Feb 05, 2020 · To see a complete list of repository options, see the man page as follows: $ man yum.conf Now that you have your new repository configured using one of these methods, you should verify that it is configured properly using the yum-config-manager command from earlier to enable and disable PHP sections: # yum-config-manager mysql57-community

How to list packages and their urls in yum repository How can I list all the packages and their download URLs in a yum repository? I tried. yum --disablerepo=* --enablerepo=google-chrome list available Loaded plugins: langpacks, refresh-packagekit Available Packages google-chrome-beta.x86_64 32.0.1700.14-1 google-chrome google-chrome-unstable.x86_64 33.0.1707.0-1 google-chrome The Basics of RPM – YUM Repositories [Linux 101]