Since 12.04, there is no difference between the Desktop linux-generic and Server linux-server kernels; they have been merged. (Source; see here for why this was done.)The virtual kernel differs only in the number of included drivers. It only includes "the necessary drivers to run inside popular virtualization technologies such as KVM, Xen, and VMWare.

Install Oracle VirtualBox On Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS Headless Jul 05, 2019 Creating and Managing VMs in Ubuntu Server 16.10 | CB-Net Host O/S Ubuntu Server 16.10 – with “Virtual Machine host” option select at install time. Network configuration as below; ← Debian Linux 8 – Installing KDE Plasma 5.x Graphical Desktop

Jun 17, 2020

How to set up Linux in a VM (virtual machine) - Computer What is Ubuntu Ubuntu is a complete desktop Linux operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. Ubuntu is suitable for both desktop and server use. Additional information about Ubuntu can be found here. How To Set Up Apache Virtual Hosts on Ubuntu 18.04 - Linux

In this tutorial, we will show you how to install the Code-server with Nginx as a reverse proxy and SSL Letsencrypt on the latest Ubuntu 18.04 Server. Prerequisites. For this guide, we will install the Code-server on the Ubuntu 18.04 server with 3GB of RAM, 25GB free disk space, and 2CPUs. What we will do: Add User and Download Code-server Binary

The virtual machine should start. As you can see, Ubuntu is starting from the ISO file. At this point, Ubuntu installer should start. Now, you can install Ubuntu on the virtual machine as usual. Installing Ubuntu on the Virtual Machine: To install Ubuntu, click on Install Ubuntu. Now, select your keyboard layout and click on Continue. Click on Azure Virtual Machines gives you the flexibility of virtualisation for a wide range of computing solutions with support for Linux, Windows Server, SQL Server, Oracle, IBM, SAP and more. All current generation Virtual Machines include load balancing and auto-scaling at no cost. Jul 10, 2016 · Now, close or exit the connection of first Linux VM. Step 17: Now, create the other Linux VM. New -> Virtual Machine -> Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS -> Classic (deployment model). Step 18: Enter second VM Host Name, Username & Password or SSH public key. Host O/S Ubuntu Server 16.10 – with “Virtual Machine host” option select at install time. ← Debian Linux 8 – Installing KDE Plasma 5.x Graphical Desktop Select Ubuntu from the list and click Create Virtual Machine. Windows will now automatically download and install the operating system. After that’s done, the Ubuntu Linux operating system will show up in a new window and you can continue on to set it up. That’s all you need to run Linux fast and simple on Windows 10. May 11, 2015 · It is necessary to setup right away, a basic firewall for your VPS. With this guide, we’ll use UFW or Uncomplicated Fire Wall, which is shipped with Ubuntu Server 14.04. It’s actually a front-end app for IP Tables. UFW is the noob-friendly way of configuring a firewall for your virtual private server. Here are the simple steps to configure it. Apr 24, 2020 · On Ubuntu: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install default-jdk On CentOS: sudo yum update sudo yum install java -y Once Java installation is complete, you can install Screen: On Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install screen On CentOS: sudo yum install screen -y 2. Installing and Running Minecraft Server on Linux