Since upgrading to Android 10, my Keep Screen On app no longer works Nor do any similar apps I've tried. This is extremely frustrating when on a conference call (using ear buds). I work from home a couple of days per week (every day now due to COVID-19). I want my screen to stay on (NOT DIMMED) d

Jun 04, 2020 · WiFi Data Analyzer - essential application for WiFi. Network manager and analyzer. Analyze WiFi networks around you! Presentation of all data from your WiFi device. Wireless network analyze Diagnose connection status and signal strength Wifi signal quality check Scanning wifi networks Wifi connection manager You will never need other WiFi analyzer app! App is divided into tabs: 1) Connection Jun 03, 2020 · After your Android is connected to Wi-Fi with a valid password and the device has obtained an IP address to use on the network, users can view details about the connection. This includes the signal strength, data transfer speed, frequency the connection is on, type of security, and more. WifiUtils. WiFi Utils is a library that provides a set of convenience methods for managing WiFi State, WiFi Scan, And WiFi Connection to Hotspots. If you have ever worked with WifiManager you should know how painful it is to make a simple wifi network scan or even worse to connect to a hotspot programmatically. Jul 20, 2020 · Wi-Fi Direct (P2P) allows Android 4.0 (API level 14) and higher devices with the appropriate hardware to connect directly to each other via Wi-Fi without an intermediate access point.

My wifi is constantly dropping out on both my laptop and desktop. This has occured on both my home wifi and when setting up my phone as a hotspot. This 'dropout' still shows the wifi as connected, however any network traffic (such as pinging a known ip) fails (EDIT: This was wrong, couldn't replicate failure to ping

Full Screen Mode & Hiding the Toolbar View content in full screen mode, removing the Navigation Bar and the Toolbar. Full Screen Mode If you have an Android 4.4 device or higher you can hide the bottom bar (known as the Navigation or System Bar) using the full screen setting - Settings > Display > Full Screen Mode, which is known as immersive mode (image 1 below).

Re: Handheld WiFi Devices Timeout Problem I use that same timeout setting for a distribution center and here is why. Computers on wheels often go logged in and on wall power for hours without being used.

Jun 04, 2020 · WiFi Data Analyzer - essential application for WiFi. Network manager and analyzer. Analyze WiFi networks around you! Presentation of all data from your WiFi device. Wireless network analyze Diagnose connection status and signal strength Wifi signal quality check Scanning wifi networks Wifi connection manager You will never need other WiFi analyzer app! App is divided into tabs: 1) Connection Jun 03, 2020 · After your Android is connected to Wi-Fi with a valid password and the device has obtained an IP address to use on the network, users can view details about the connection. This includes the signal strength, data transfer speed, frequency the connection is on, type of security, and more.